Disclaimer for UnfoldedStars

If you have questions or need more info, just email us at articlemela7@gmail.com.

What You Should Know

The information on UnfoldedStars is provided in good faith for general use. We try to keep it accurate, but we can’t guarantee it’s always correct. If you use our info, you do so at your own risk. We aren’t responsible for any problems that might come from using our site.

We link to other websites, but we don’t control them. Just because we link to a site doesn’t mean we support it. Websites can change without notice, and we might not always be aware of those changes.

When you leave our site, check the privacy policies and terms of service of the other sites you visit.

Your Agreement

By using our site, you agree to this disclaimer.


We may update this disclaimer from time to time. Check back here for any changes.